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Yaniv Edery

Artist Bio

Yaniv Edery born in 1977, is a 41-year-old passionate about color and self-taught emotions in the art world. He has collaborated with some of the most unbelievable artists, such as James Rizzi, Jonas Leriche, Monica Nowak, Mr. Garcin, Tchoba, Tom Art, and many other great artists who have recognized his immense talent. Yaniv Edery has a unique technique, bringing his works to life with impressive reliefs and breathtaking details. He skillfully uses acrylic, resin, glitter, and Swarovski crystals.

Yaniv Edery is featured in the most prestigious galleries worldwide and is recognized as an incredible artist, highly sought after by top collectors. His talent was honored by the Société des Bains de Mer in Monaco, which dedicated one of its most prestigious bars, the Blue Gin at Monte Carlo Bay, to a constant exhibition of his work.  

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